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Hidromas participates in Sipat 2021 of Morumbi

Taking care of your health is serious! Therefore, promoting or participating in actions that encourage this culture within companies and other initiatives is extremely important. And on July 27th, Hidromas can share a little about safety at work at an event for the client Morumbi, SIPAT 2021.

Companies that have CIPA (Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents), such as Morumbi, annually promote the Internal Week for the Prevention of Accidents at Work, known as SIPAT. The initiative's proposal is to promote activities aimed at preventing work accidents and occupational diseases.

Thus, the brand received our commercial manager, Everton Cunha, who spoke on the topic “Safety in the application of hydraulic components”. The occasion, extremely important due to the relevance of the theme, brought together several employees at the company's headquarters. The aim was to alert participants about the care with handling the components. In addition to some tips aimed at facilitating the teams' routine in a safe and efficient way.

Safety in the application of hydraulic components

In response to the theme “Attitude is individual, but safety is collective”, which guided the three days of activities at Morumbi, Everton Cunha raised some very relevant points in the lecture he conducted.

The theme “Safety in the application of hydraulic components” allowed to address among those present some situations of failures in hydraulic systems and how to identify them, as well as their main implications. In addition, it brought examples of ways to ensure these failures in systems.

Proper maintenance was defended throughout the entire situation, which is in line with the idea that technical and other maintenance assistance, such as the many Hidromas partners throughout the country, are very important to ensure this attention and care for the customer as well.

Furthermore, aspects such as performing maintenance on a system is only correct if done with personal protective equipment, including gloves and eye protection, was also raised.

Finally, periodically replace the filters; keep hydraulic oil away from contaminants; and checking for leaks were also points greatly reinforced by Everton Cunha in SIPAT 2021 of Morumbi.

The client is a manufacturer of chassis bodies, tipper semi-trailers, dry cargo trailers, container vehicles, among others, and a brand that strengthens the segment as a whole with the promotion of SIPAT and opportunities such as this one.